Friday, April 06, 2007


I didn't have to travel all the way to Huntington Beach to photograph the dog. Danny sent this one in an email. He said the dog belongs to the family, not just Claire, she actually got roller skates as her present. It's a Lapso Hapso (spelling?) and she is 4 months old. Danny said he could tell us how much he paid for it, but then he'd have to kill us. Talked to him last night...he said he was already cleaning up after the thing....not the kids. He sounded a little tense...wonder why?


Tim and Lanette said...

Very cute dog. James loves animals, Tim has been to the human society to find a cut little kitten for him but with no luck, but I don't think he's giving up. What a bunch a good Daddies.

PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

What a cute puppy. I bet it is spoiled already.