Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Yup, We Built a House...

Have you ever done this, made a gingerbread house? It was a new holiday festivity for me. We had a kit and everything, so it was really cheating, but I can't tell you how many times the stupid thing "imploded" on itself. It would not stay standing! Finally, I let it dry a bit and it seemed to work. Dalaynee kept licking icing off the roof, saying, I just need one more little taste. When we finally finished, she clapped her hands together and said, "Our work here is done" Nuff said.


PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

the girls made gingerbread houses one year. They made them from scratch as they were older and did it by theirselves, but I remember them having the same problems. But they loved it and the house were really cute.

Unknown said...

frickin-a I'm hungry!

Wubben World said...

Here's a little trick I use with my kiddos....hot glue the house together first, then cover with frosting! As long as you're not planning on eating the whole thing!!
Looks like you're LOVIN' this auntie thing quite a bit!!!