I went to the doctor this morning and for the first time in a long time, I feel like this is really gonna happen. I met the surgeon. I liked her a lot. She has a very firm handshake. She's done 1700 of these things, so that makes be feel pretty good. They have sent in a request for re-autorization, cuz mine runs out in January, but the dr. told me that all my test results should still be valid, thank goodness...I don't want to do that heart speeding up test thing again! She also told me that once they get the authorization, they'll schedule the surgery and meanwhile, I have to lose as much weight as I can....so there is a light at the end of the gastric bypass tunnell, oh joy.
Have a great weekend y'all ...pray for Jayne, first time to Lake Havasu without Jeff. We just seemed to miss him an extra lot this week...I couldn't get to sleep last night, had like a slide show of the past year just going through my head....but pray for Jayne..and Drew and Zack and Laynee. It's gonna be hard for all of them. Thanks you guys, you are the best...but you already know that, right?