Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ladaynie Jo

She gets mad when I call her that...I mean really upset...so I don't do it...very often. On Saturday, I had her with me because Jaynie worked in Compton all day. She fell asleep in the back seat and I couldn't get a hold of Jayne on her cell, so I headed for church. Laynie woke up we got out of the car. Jayne's car was there, but she wasn't around. Laynie says I know we'll never find her again..we have to look for her....we better split up. Better split up???...who are we Starksy and Hutch?


PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

She is way too old for such a little person. Your goin have to keep an eye on that one.

Unknown said...

Starsky and Hutch...does have a nice ring to it eh? Now ya need the sweet ride.

Love ya'll!

Kryna said...

A girl after my own heart!