Friday, January 04, 2008

and the testing goes on...

...not a great way to start a new year, mind you, but my doctors office made the appointment so I had to go. Bright and early on Wednesday morning, I went to Fountain Valley hospital to have an Upper GI...I thought it was a high ranking soldier...preferably single...but nooooo. I had to drink this chalky milkey crap while the tech took pictures of my I hate to have my picture taken...especially when it's inside-out. I got through it. Now I think all I have to do is a stress test, oh joy, and then maybe we can get this thing, maybe I'll be thin before I'm 60...don't laugh..that is sooner that y'all think! Ok, I will keep you apprised of the sitch....pray I don't get too "stressed" for the stress test...ya know?


PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

Oh you poor girl. What a lot of crap you have to go through. Do they give you any estimated time when this will be happening?

Just us Belds said...

we are still pulling for yah Laur, you can do it! :)

Becky said...

What a pain the the rear! :P Good luck, hopefully the end is in sight. And 60....that's got to be decades away yet, right?

lauri said...

oh sure, babe, decades...

Wubben World said...

Hey Laur - I finally got your blog from Lisa's blog...good to finally be able to check in on you every once in awhile!!!