Friday, March 23, 2007

...down on the farm

So, here's a few pics of us "in the country"...looking a little worse for wear, I'm afraid. We look a little like migrant farm worker children...either way, we did make a fashion statement, did we not? What that statement was, well, I'm not least we are smiling!


PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

What cute kids. And for fashion statement, that was back in the 60's and in NW Iowa. I don't think they even knew about fashion statements at that time. As long as you had clothes on and not any of the hippy stuff that was good enough.

Tim and Lanette said...

You guys are cute, cute, cute! I'm sure your fashion was just fine.

Becky said...

I love these old pictures. You're all lookin' good, like you're meant to be on the farm!