Monday, April 16, 2007

and a 15 year old shall lead them.... there we are sitting at the folk's house. We had cleanup day there on Saturday. Danny and his boys and Jeff helped Dad get rid of a lot of stuff from the back yard. Danny had gotten a good deal on new cell phones, so now Cal and Sam both have thier own...who would have thought it would come to this. The phones all have cameras, so they were taking pictures of everyone, Danny for one, thought he was so cool. Then he is looking at his and says, Calvin, why are there all these black photos on mine, why are they turning out like that? Cal studied his dear father's phone for about half a second and says, Dad, you're taking pictures of the inside of your pocket. I have not laughed that hard in a long time...heck we all laughed at him. I asked Danny if he would like me to blow those up and put them in a nice frame for him. His response....bite me, Lauri. Oh yeah...good times.


PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

Oh, Laur. Your family is sooo much fun. Gerrit and I laughed so hard Bert & Kryna came running to find out what the matter was. Love you guys.

Becky said...

That's a great story! I can just picture you guys!