Thursday, September 11, 2008

I know, I's been a while

Well, it's just been so cotton-picken busy! I'm learning a new part of my job and i've not had a chance to update...I know, I suck. But I am back with pictures to share. This is last week, Miss Dalaynee had a dance receital. She was a flower, don'tja know. She was the best one up there, but I could be a little prejudiced....just a little...
She had to wear a little lipstick....she had to...A little rehearsal time with Dayzee


Kryna said...

So cute! Love the pics.

Just us Belds said...

those are so sweet! Jeff would be so proud :)

Unknown said...

Can Anyone say ABBA? Dancing Queen?

Crap...did I just date myself?