Tuesday, September 30, 2008

...oh yeah, Cal's cast

I've yet to get a hold of the young man to see how the big date went. He's not returning my calls.....anywhoo, on Saturday when I brought Sam home he showed me what his dad had drawn on his cast....with a Sharpie...in about 10 minutes. Don't ask me how Danny does it....he's such an idiot with everything else...anyway, here's a shot...


PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

Man, that guy is good. Not one of my talents, that's for sure.

Annette B. said...

That is completely incredible! Got to be the coolest cast I've seen.

Just us Belds said...

what in the world happened to him?
these kids need to sign up for Aflack insurance and make some money with their boo-boos!